Dear Rie, I keep hearing the term “Chibi” around my board game group. I’ve seen a few games that are considered “chibi”, but I still don’t understand what they are. I’m also wondering what the best way to pronounce it is. I’ve read a few different ways to say it, and my friends can’t agree […]
Read MoreWhat’s in the Box!? Bright Crusaders from Forge World
This week we are unboxing and reviewing the Bright Crusaders Blood Bowl team from Forgeworld. In the box you get 2 resin coins, 2 resin markers, and parts to create 12 miniatures with plastic legs and resin heads and chest pieces. This is available from Forge World for £32 plus tax and shipping. Buy yours […]
Read MoreAsk Rie – ‘Pain’ting for Family – 22Jun17
Dear Rie, I have this client who I happen to be related to, who I am painting an army for and they are just being overly picky. What should I do? Signed, Relatively Painted
Read MoreMa’al Drakar from Reaper Miniatures
The BONES 3 Kickstarter from Reaper Miniatures is drawing to an end with shipping of the rewards starting. In this video I go over the centerpiece model of the Kickstarter, the 5-headed dragon, Ma’al Drakar, the Dragon Tyrant.
Read MoreUnboxing:Warhammer 40k 8th Edition Starter with Metalhead Minis
Join Lyn of Metalhead Minis as she unboxes the new Warhammer 40k started box from Games Workshop! This box is packed full of goodness including
Read MoreAsk Rie – 15 June 2017
Dear Rie, Recently I have had a hard time focusing on painting and when I go to my painting area I feel down. I see other people’s work and get depressed. Can you help me? -SullenPainter Dear SullenPainter, About people’s painting, as a friend, as a fan, as a fellow painter. It’s unique, it’s raw, […]
Read MoreHappy 2nd Birthday Warcolours
Happy 2nd birthday Warcolours! The best part of this second birthday celebration, is the fact that Warcolours has a gift for you. Upon checkout if you use this code BDAY10 and you’ll save a 10% off of Warcolours incredibly low price. Neo is also introducing a new line of brushes, flats, and expanding his line […]
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