I was requested to do a Kickass Kickstarter on the new Confrontation Classic game that just went live on Kickstarter. All calculations are factored on the non Early Bird edition with no stretch goals.
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Actum Est De Materia Ex Perspective
One great thing with the crew of Models Workshop is that we have a huge variety of talent with a massive variety of talent ranging from an almost anime look to a classical look when painting miniatures. One things that we have all come to appreciate if that there are going to be times where […]
Read MoreAsk Rie- Relatively Painted part 2
Dear Rie, I’m having more problems with my family member that I’m doing the commission for. I’ve been sending him tons of work-in-progress pictures but all of a sudden, when the models are about half done, he changes his mind. What should I do? ~Relatively Painted Dear relatively painted, Weather a family member or a […]
Read MoreAsk Rie Glaze vs Wash
Dear Rie, I am so confused when people talk about glazing a model or washing a model. What does it mean and is there a difference? — Glazed Over Dear Glazed Over, I completely understand the confusion and have lived in that spot for a bit now. Hopefully this will clear things up. In the […]
Read MoreAsk Rie July 13th 2017 – To Get Cards or Not?
Dear Rie, I’m a smaller YouTuber and trying to get off the ground. I was wondering if you think getting business cards would be a good idea? What information would you include on them? ~CardedPainter Dear Carded painter,
Read MoreAsk Rie July 6th 2017 – Dirty Brush
Dear Rie, I just picked up my first Kolinsky brush but I am afraid to use it and get it dirty. What can I use to clean it up and keep it like new? Diiirty Dear Diiirty, Good brush maintaince is actually not all that hard. There are numerous thing that can be used […]
Read MoreGames Workshop, Have They Redeemed Themselves?
A moment ago I was going through my old draft documents. I found an article from well over a year ago I had started where I said that Games Workshop was a menace to themselves. It got me thinking though, have they redeemed themselves? Long time Games Workshop fans remember a happier time where the […]
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